About us

안녕하세요, 저희는 다양성위원회의 다양성 파이어니어즈 4기로 활동 중인 <슬기로운 서울대 생활> 팀입니다. 서울대학교 다양성위원회는 다양성을 존중하고 서로 화합하는 학문공동체를 구축하기 위하여 서울대학교 구성원의 의지를 모아 2016년 3월 출범한 총장직속 자문기구입니다.

다양성위원회는 어떤 일을 하는 곳이고, 왜 필요한 것일까요? 많은 분들이 알고 있듯이, 다양성은 성별, 국적, 인종, 사회경제적 조건, 신체적 조건 등의 차이나, 그런 차이에 의해 발생하는 다양한 경험, 가치관, 행동양식 등을 가리킵니다. 다양한 사회 구성원을 이해하고 소통하는 것은 화합하는 사회를 위한 기본이지만 매우 어려운 일입니다. 어떤 사회적 기준에 의해서도 한 번도 소수집단에 속하지 않는 사람은 없습니다. 서울대학교에 다니는 저희 역시도 마찬가지 일 것입니다. 따라서 다양성이 우리의 문제임을 인식하고, 역지사지의 태도로 타인을 배려하고 포용하는 것이 다양성 존중의 근본 철학입니다. 특히 대학에서 다양성은 창의성의 원천으로 학문적 수월성 추구를 위해 필수적이며, 미래의 세계를 이끌어 갈 젊은이들이 반드시 체득해야 할 핵심가치입니다.

서울대학교는 다양한 인재를 대학 구성원으로 적극적으로 받아들이고, 구성원 모두가 존중받는 조화롭고 행복한 지식공동체로 발전하려는 노력을 경주하고 있습니다. 다양성위원회는 서울대학교의 그러한 노력과 소통의 구심점으로, 다양성 증진을 위한 연구와 실태조사, 구성원들의 소통 증진과 의견수렴, 대학 제도와 문화를 개선하기 위한 정책 제안 등을 수행하고, 이러한 노력과 변화의 결과를 모아 매년 다양성보고서를 발간합니다. 또한, 저희가 활동중인 학생 인턴쉽 ‘다양성 파이어니어즈’와 다양성 도서추천사 공모전, 대양성대화시리즈 등 서울대학교에 다양성 존중 문화를 정착시키기 위한 많은 활동을 하고 있습니다.

이번 인턴십 활동의 큰 주제는 ‘서울대 학생들 간 벽 허물기: 슬기로운 다양성 탐구생활’ 입니다. 이에 '슬기로운 서울대 생활'팀은 서울대 외국인 유학생들과의 인터뷰를 통해, 외국인 유학생들이 서울대학교에서 학업을 하는 데에 있어서 겪는 어려움, 이외의 학교 생활 및 한국 생활을 하며 겪은 어려움 등을 조사하고, 조사한 내용을 기반으로 외국인 학생들에게 학교생활 및 한국 생활에 필요한 각종 정보들을 조사 및 정리하여 외국인 학생들에게 도움이 될 수 있는 웹진을 제작하였습니다. 프로젝트는 9월부터 11월까지 약 세 달에 걸쳐 진행되었고, 그 결과가 바로 여러분이 현재 보고 있는 웹진입니다. <SNU playlist> 웹진은 동아리, 비자, 주거 계약, 수강신청 등 외국인 학생들에게 도움이 될 정보를 담고 있습니다. 저희의 포스트에 대해서 추가적인 질문이나 의견이 있다면, 언제든지 코멘트 남겨주시면 감사하겠습니다. 또 웹진을 들려주신 분들께, 방명록에 메시지를 남겨주신다면 정말 기쁠 것 같습니다. 저희의 웹진이 여러분들의 학교 생활에 조금이나마 도움이 된다면 지난 3개월 동안의 노력이 정말 보람찰 것 같습니다. 감사합니다!

Thank you for visiting our webzine, <SNU playlist>. We are ‘Diversity Pioneers', <SNU playlist>. We have participated in the 4th student internship program of ‘The Seoul National University Diversity Committee’. The Seoul National University Diversity Committee is an advisory body under the direct control of the president, established in March 2016 by gathering the will of Seoul National University members to build an academic community that respects diversity and harmonizes with each other.

What does the Diversity Committee do, and why do we need it? Diversity refers to differences in gender, nationality, race, socioeconomic conditions, physical conditions, etc., or various experiences, values, and behavior patterns that arise from such differences. It is clear that understanding and recognizing diversity are the basic requirements for a harmonious society, but it is a challenging task. There will be no individual who has never belonged to a minority by any social standard. It is the same with us too. Therefore, the fundamental philosophy of respect for diversity is to recognize that diversity is one's own problem, and to be considerate and inclusive of others by taking care of others. In particular, diversity in universities is a source of creativity, essential for the pursuit of academic excellence. Furthermore, it is a core value that young people who will lead the future must acquire.

Seoul National University actively accepts diverse talents as its members and strives to develop into a harmonious and happy knowledge community where all members are respected. The Diversity Committee is the focal point of Seoul National University's efforts and communication. It conducts research and fact-finding to promote diversity, promotes communication among members and collects opinions, and proposes policies to improve the university system and culture. And it publishes the SNU Diversity Report every year by collecting the results of these efforts and changes. Furthermore, Diversity Committee conducts various meaningful programs that students can join, such as the ‘Diversity pioneers’ student internship, Diversity Book Recommendation Writing Contest, and Diversity Dialogue.

The theme of this semester’s program was “Breaking Down Walls Between SNU Students: Cultivating Empathy in the Online Era”. Therefore, we conducted interviews with international students at Seoul National University and investigated the difficulties that international students studying at Seoul National University faced. Based on our research, we organized various information that can be helpful for international students’ school life and overall life in Korea. Our project lasted from September to November. The result is the <SNU playlist> webzine you are currently reading. <SNU playlist> contains helpful information for international students in SNU, such as introducing Clubs Activities and Programs for students at Seoul National University, Visa for international students in Korea, Information Channels in SNU, Residency in Korea, and Tips for SNU class registration, etc. If you have any additional questions or opinions about our post, please leave some comments freely! Also, we would be happy if you could leave a message on the guest book for those who read our webzine. It would be worthwhile if our webzine could help make somebody's school life better. Thank you!

Messages from our team

Hi, I’m Jihwan Lee from Korea. I’m currently majoring Business and Psychology in SNU. I love experiencing new culture, that’s why I joined the Diversity Pioneer internship. When we first start our project, I was really excited. However, reality was different from what I expected. Since conducting an interview with foreigners and making an English webzine was new to us, we had a lot of trial and error. After almost three month’s hard work, we could finally make <SNU playlist>. I really appreciate our teammates’ effort, especially Minh, who really worked hard with all the computer works. I hope this webzine is helpful. Thanks for visiting our webzine and have a great day!

Hi, I'm Gyuseong Jeong and I'm a senior in Seoul National University! My major is Philosophy and Sociology is my minor. I applied for an internship because I was usually interested in promoting the human rights of social minorities and diversity within SNU. The most impressive thing about internship was that I was able to learn more specifically about the difficulties of foreign students I felt vaguely. I would like to say thank you and sorry to all the team members who had meetings and data research every week during the three months of activities. I hope this webzine will help you solve the difficulties you face while attending college and living in Seoul. Also, it will be an opportunity for Korean and foreign students to interact more in person!
Hello. I’m Hae In from Korea. I am majoring in Social Welfare in SNU. I am very happy to publish our webzine, <SNU playlist>. It was a great experience to participate in the internship of the SNU Diversity Council with my teammates and I really appreciate their effort. I hope many students in SNU enjoy their school life. Thank you!

Hi! I am so glad to meet you! My name is Sean Kim and I am majoring English Language and Literature in SNU! Thank you so much for visiting our team's webzine. As I interviewed many foreign students in SNU to make this webzine, I realized that it is never easy to study as a foreign student in SNU. I hope this webzine will help you a lot in adapting to SNU. I always want to get close to international students and communicate with them a lot. I hope your life in Korea and SNU will always be happy. Thank you!

Xin chào! I am Minh Luong, a Vietnamese third-year student majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. I understand that the gap between foreign students and Korean students is huge. However, it does not mean that such a gap can never be narrowed. To do so, my teammates from the 4th Diversity Pioneer Internship Program and I have tried our best to prepare for this webzine. The webzine is written in both Korean and English so that anyone can read it. I hope it will be helpful for foreign students during their time at SNU. At the same time, I hope through the webzine, Korean students will understand the difficulties that foreign students are facing. We are all students in the end, so do not be shy and talk to us. Thank you!